7 baby buys to help save your sanity

A few of my friends are pregnant and it got me thinking what I’d recommend to them- things to help cut corners, save time and just save their sanity. Here are seven of my top picks, all with links (in the titles) so you can find out more.*

I wasn’t prepared for the amount of time lost in the abyss putting socks back on- one of the earliest baby mind games! Sock Ons have been a godsend; they’re a simple little invention but effective. They don’t prevent every instance of sock removal if, like Harriet, your little one is particularly determined, but they do prevent those more common half-hearted efforts.

These nappies are designed for use with disposable liners but I’ve used them over disposable nappies and it’s saved us from the full effects of poonamis when we’re out and about. Rather than having to do a full clothes change, just remove the soiled nappy cover. It gives you more confidence away from home and less washing. Boom!

A white noise sleep aid that’s become part of the family. There’s a choice of sounds and the womb noise helped Harriet settle in her moses basket… though it’s debatable whether Harriet or I benefitted most as it helped sooth me to sleep after the night feeds too!

Now at 10 months we still use Ewan but it’s just become part of her night time routine as we lay her in her cot, rather than her being dependent it. The favourite noise is apparently a hoover but to me sounds like cars on rainy roads with eerie church bells in the background(!)

If you bottle feed just get it. It took us a few weeks to clock on- a few weeks of having Harriet’s cries rising up the decibels as her freshly boiled water was cooling. A bottle’s made in no time at the perfect temperature. It’s a gadget so simple even I can use it and that’s praise indeed!

Harriet hated tummy time and I was prepared to try anything that would stop her giving me evils if I even attempted it. This handy fold out, sleigh-type structure helps babies do tummy time raised off the floor and ‘closer to mummy’. The tummy time element had limited success (more to do with Harriet being a lost cause rather than a reflection on the product), however, its secondary use as a seat was much more successful. The Velcro straps lock them in, keeping them upright before they can sit independently. It meant Harriet could sit with her toys around her and go where I go… or be pushed around by the grandads in a pretend super car!

I was a little daunted by the whole weaning process  but my sister-in-law gave me this book (the older 2010 edition) which took me through it all step by step from first tastes to 12 months. It has loads of simple recipe ideas which I’ve batch cooked and frozen. I’ve also got some great ideas from searching on the internet, but, for me, there’s some comfort in leafing through the pages of a book.

A must for travel cots. If you’re going on holiday you never know if there will be blackout curtains and if you’re all holed up in the same room there’s always the worry of what you do once your baby is in bed. This can end up with you stumbling around the room in darkness and even worrying about turning on the TV. The SnoozeShade fits over the cot with the option of zipping up the top or leaving it open. No more sneaking around trying not to make eye contact and (hopefully) they won’t wake up at sunrise either!

*This isn’t a sponsored post. All these recommendations are my own. Similar products may be available. Where possible I’ve included links to the product’s own website but they can be bought from a variety of places so it’s worth shopping around.


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